Two different worlds but just only one choice

E2COFELVRING folds the space and time

The logistics solution for a new, green and more humane world.

E2COFEL VRING is the green logistics of the last 50 miles, with door-to-door, cost-effective, reliable and predictable up-to-the-minute deliveries.


Subway continuous flow ring that will connect industrial environments in metropolitan regions.

European industry needs a disruptive advantage to boost its competitiveness and complete the transformation to the Green Deal. E2COFELVRINGwill bring the necessary leap in profitability, C02, industrial transformation and mobility.

Our company, creator of a unique Know How and model, aims to promote and make the project viable until the founding “Kickoff” of the Consortium, which will implement the pilot project and subsequent analogous European projects of Continuous Flow Freight Transport Logistics Rings.

An important part of the project is the attraction of interests and partners, with their (I) economic participation, (II) technical participation in engineering and logistics, and (III) public and private business participation, to form the Project Management Consortium (PDC) that will make it a reality.

We are the founding nucleus of the “E2 COFELVRING” project, Virtual Ring of “End To End” (E2E) Electric and Continuous Flow Logistic Transport.

E2COFELVRINGhas as core business objectives of the company and project, the creation, operational start-up and operation of the logistics ring in industrial environments previously selected for:


To bring profitability to connected companies, with very competitive transport prices (1/3 of current prices).

Green deal

Contribute to the “Green deal” through CO2-free and energy autonomous electric operation.

Manufacturing model

Change of manufacturing model, giving a qualitative leap in the European industry, with automatic and autonomous operation, with predictable deliveries to the minute. This model is scalable to other similar environments in Spain and Europe.

Disruptive horizons

Open new horizons in company operations, with “LEAN End to End Manufacturing” and “km0-Virtual Logistics” by making it possible to physically outsource warehouses and ports without affecting operations.

Territorial mobility

Freeing up road traffic, improving mobility and enabling the reorganization of the industrial territory towards locations outside residential environments, which are cheaper and more operationally competitive.


This model is designed exclusively for the transport of goods of all kinds, and framed within the last “50 miles” of industrialized metropolitan regions.

It does not include the urban “last mile”, although it links with it, nor does it replace long-distance or heavy-tonnage transport (as in the case of the Mediterranean Corridor).

This is a continuous and automatic subway freight transport ring, through a bidirectional tunnel for the main ring of about 80 km in length and a secondary network (subway or above ground, depending on the case) to reach the companies connected “End to End” (E2E).

With door-to-door delivery of goods, plannable and punctual to the minute, it is electric and green, with zero emissions and energetically self-sufficient by integrating the power plant in the project. With costs at 1/3 of current costs and freeing up to 30% of road traffic, it connects an industrial environment of about 800 km2 with 100% digitized flow and traceability.

Carrier circulation in “non-stop” mode feeds the Ring ports (synchronous parallel loading/unloading at low speed in decoupling rings), where distribution hubs (direct collection or last mile distribution link) or automatic feeder lines (flat rings for large customers and industrial parks) perform the final delivery.

Our attributes mark our achievements and results

Our attributes define our achievements and results.

E2COFELVRING: We are E2: “End to end” E2E

E2COFELVRING: We are ECO: “Green” by birth and vocation, sustainable and transparent to the biosphere. We add value by occupying the non-living layer, moving from a 2D 1/2 world to 3D.

E2COFELVRING: We are CO F: “Continuous flow” with a non-stop live flow 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

E2COFELVRING: We are EL: “Electric logistic” and the energy source is electric, green and own, including EO+FV plants in the project. We are green logistics: it is not an option.

E2COFELVRING: We are VRING: “Virtual Ring” because we open a virtual world by joining the industry in a ring that “folds space-time” placing actors virtually door to door.

We also offer the possibility of providing technical advice in the solution of problems in both project management and plant automation technology.

Factory engineering


Digital transformation

MES and its collaterals (CMMS, Digital, TWIN…).
BI (Business intelligence & data analytics)
Product traceability.


Regulatory compliance and CE marking. RD 1215.


Consultancy in production improvements, in operations, layout and processes, with focus on quality and productivity.

Consulting reports. Projects and problem solving.


Workshops for the analysis and improvement of teamwork and inter/intra-departmental relations.